How to permanently delete a pupil

A situation may arise where a pupil’s profile needs to be permanently deleted from Insights. You can make this change at the bottom of the Pupil Profile page.

Note: One you permanently delete a pupil’s profile, you will no longer be able to retrieve the pupil’s personal details or assessment information. As a safety measure, before permanently deleting a pupil’s profile, you can download their personal details and assessment information for your records.

Anonymised data about pupil characteristics and assessment will be retained in the system, but this will no longer be linked to the individual pupil. 

For more information, please see our privacy policy.

If you require assistance with this action, please contact us.

  1. From the Insights menu, click on School Management

  2. From the School Management page, click on Manage Pupils.
  3. Find the pupil whose profile you want to permanently delete, and click on the red arrow on the right-hand side of the page to open the pupil profile. Permanently-Deleting-A-Pupil-Step3
  4. Select the Pupil Details tab. Click on Delete Pupil at the bottom of the Pupil Details page.  
  5. A confirmation pop-up window will appear. After reading the notice, please check the box to confirm your action and click Permanently Delete.